Brand Identity

Oricoffee is your new way to drink coffee in a simple way, but at the same time practical. The use of tea bags allows a better absorption of coffee in any liquid, and therefore works as a strainer inside the bag.

The proposal and its definition

The main theme of this short exercise was to create and design products according to some proposed criteria. It was necessary to choose a product (rice, sugar or coffee) and create a completely new packaging and make it more functional, more ethical and more environmentally responsible.

Through Edward de Bono's lateral thinking, a technique that allows problem solving indirectly and with a creative approach, a new way of working both conceptually and creatively emerges. During the realization of this project, all the parameters imposed were taken into account, always respecting the standards of design and originality. Bearing this in mind, it was decided to start designing the logo, as it was the element that would help us better define the entire concept of the product and that would provide us with more insight on how to design the packaging.


As the project evolved and sketches were made, it was time to consider some of the things that would make a good brand, which is variety, so instead of making one product, you should have variations of flavor and type.

These variations were inspired by the Delta coffee brand. Thus, each country will be represented not only with the colors of the flag, but also by the intensity of the coffee. Thus, each variety will have a characteristic coffee flavor of the country in question.

From paper origami to tea bag origami

The main concept of the product was origami, so instead of making coffee powder, the innovative part was to make an origami-shaped tea bag and instead of tea, put coffee inside. After the tea bag enters the hot coffee cup, an origami flower blooms inside, making the art of drinking coffee more enthusiastic.